Employment & Training

Job-Seeking Supports

Are you feeling stuck or unsure about what type of work you would be good at?

Do you need and need information, advice and access to the following services?

Empowers Employment Service provides a setting where clients can discuss and develop a Career Path Plan with their Guidance Practitioner. Career Guidance will be offered through a series of one to one guidance sessions where clients will have the opportunity to discuss their options in a confidential way. The guidance sessions are used as a means of helping clients to identify their particular strengths and weaknesses and help them to make career decisions.

Career Guidance

Empower offers its clients an employment focused career guidance and development service. Clients will work on a one to one basis with a Guidance Practitioner where they will gain greater self-awareness in relation to their career interests, particular aptitudes and preferred work environments.

The Process:

• The new client will meet with a Guidance Practitioner to register with the service. This first meeting will allow the Practitioner to gain a good understanding of the client’s previous work experience, training and educational background. There will be an opportunity to discuss the client’s specific needs in relation to the labour market, barriers (if any) and their current status. This initial meeting allows the Guidance Practitioner to identify the most appropriate service for the client to ensure that their individual needs are met.

• If the client is unsure as to what type of job they would prefer or if they are interested in pursuing education or training as an option, they will be given the opportunity explore this in greater detail with their Guidance Practitioner. They can be introduced to different Career Guidance Tools which will evaluate their particular interests and personality type, so they have a greater understanding of where their preferences, skills and abilities lie. The client can then work on developing their attributes and this can be incorporated into their Career Path Plan.

• Where specific barriers have been identified during the guidance session, the client and the Guidance Practitioner can work to address and remove these. This level of support allows the client to set achievable goals in order to move forward

• The client can be referred into basic skills or specific skills training, work experience or Community Work placement programmes such as Tús or CE while continuing to work with their Guidance Practitioner. This level of Career Guidance enables the client to feel fully supported at every step along the way which is key to their progression back into the labour market.

Job Searching

Our Guidance Practitioners will work with clients to help them to source full-time, part-time or casual employment. The practitioner will offer supports around job searching online and provide the client with access to the latest Job Vacancy listings and information. They will work with the client to increase contacts through networking and help them to create and tailor a professional CV and Cover letter. They will also offer them assistance with Job Application forms and interview coaching. Clients can avail of other Job Seeking supports such as phone, email, internet, printing, scanning, photocopying.

Education and Training

The Guidance Practitioner will work with the client to assess their current level of education, training and skills experience and provide information on/refer the client externally to SOLAS or CDETB Training courses or internal basic/specific skills training in Empower such as One Step Closer and Best Foot Forward.

Our One Step Closer Programme provides a suite of training courses for which clients can access from STEPS to Computer Applications to Safe Pass and Manual Handling. The Best Foot Forward Programme works with clients to improve things competencies around interview techniques, digital skills and online job searching.

(Clients may also access financial supports for all accredited and industry standard training)


Interested in undertaking an apprenticeship? The Guidance Practitioner will help you to identify a current apprenticeship scheme which is suitable to your needs. You will also have access to information on the latest Apprenticeship Fairs which are held annually, and which attract large scale employers. Apprenticeship schemes are available across many different sectors including but not limited to: Construction, Engineering, Finance, Hospitality, Motor, Catering, Logistics, ICT and more.

To learn more about apprenticeships visit:




Employment Programmes

Would you like to work in your local Community? The Guidance Practitioner will give you information on/referral to a CE (Community Employment) training scheme or Tús Work Placement Programme of your choice. These initiatives are designed to help you get back to work by offering part-time training and work placements in local communities. Participants can take up other part-time paid employment during their placement. After completion of a placement, participants are encouraged to apply for permanent jobs based on the experience and new skills they have gained.

You can read more about Community Employment schemes and the Tús Programme on our Website by clicking the links below:

Community Employment - Click Here

Tús - Click Here

Business Enterprise 

Want to be your own boss? The Team at Empower are on hand to support you through this process by providing you with a range of one-to-one supports and self-employment workshops.

More information about how we can help you with your business idea can be found Here

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